Interest Rates & Disclosures
Disclosures under Regulation 62 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015
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- Voluntary Buyback NCD
- MLD Valuation
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- Composite Scheme of Arrangement 2024
- Interest Rates & Disclosures
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Interest Rates & Disclosures
Row 1
- Retail Loan
- Non-Retail Loan
Row 2
- Interest Rates starting from 11.00%* p.a.
- Adjustable/Floating Rate Loan: PLR 21% p.a. (effective August 06, 2024)
Row 3
- Retail Prime Lending Rate (RPLR) 20.92% p.a. (effective August 01, 2024)
- Fixed Rate Loan: 10% - 24% p.a.
Interest Rates & Disclosures
Retail Loan Non-Retail Loan Interest Rates starting from 11.00%* p.a. Adjustable/Floating Rate Loan: PLR 21% p.a. (effective August 06, 2024) Retail Prime Lending Rate (RPLR) 20.92% p.a. (effective August 01, 2024) Fixed Rate Loan: 10% - 24% p.a.
Quarterly Interest Rates Range, Mean & Max Rates for Different Loan Categories
Effective 30 June 2024
Product Min Rate Max Rate Mean Rate Personal Loan 11.99% 33.89% 18.94% Home Loan 9.35% 18.42% 11.94% MSME Unsecured 12% 24.99% 20.58% MSME Secured 9.75% 21% 13.62% Used Car Loan 11.99% 18.5% 16.05%
Quarterly Interest Range Min, Max & Mean Rate for Different Loan Categories
Range of Interest Summary for the period of Quarter 3 FY 24-25
Row 1
- Product
- Min Rate
- Max Rate
- Mean Rate
Row 2
- Housing Loan
- {hlintrestrate}
- {hlstakeholdermaxrate}
- {hlstakeholdermeanrate}
Row 3
- MSME Secured
- {sblintrestrate}
- {sblstakeholdermaxrate}
- {sblstakeholdermeanrate}
Row 4
- MSME Unsecured
- {blinterestrate}
- {blstakeholdermaxrate}
- {blstakeholdermeanrate}
Row 5
- Used Car Loan
- {clstakeholderminrate}
- {clstakeholdermaxrate}
- {clstakeholdermeanrate}
Row 6
- MFI Loans
- {mfiintrestrate}
- {mfistakeholdermaxrate}
- {mfistakeholdermeanrate}
Row 7
- Personal Loan - Branch
- {brintrestrate}
- {brstakeholdermaxrate}
- {brstakeholdermeanrate}
Row 8
- Personal Loan - Digital Business - Direct
- {dbdintrestrate}
- {dbdstakeholdermaxrate}
- {dbdstakeholdermeanrate}
Row 9
- Personal Loan - Digital Business - Embedded Finance
- {dbeintrestrate}
- {dbestakeholdermaxrate}
- {dbestakeholdermeanrate}
- The range of interest rates provided above is with respect to loans to individuals disbursed during Quarter 3 - FY 2024-2025.
- Fresh Loans have been taken into consideration for the calculation of Min, Max & Mean ROI.
- Mean Rate = Sum of (Disbursement Amount * Interest rate*Tenor) / Disbursement Amount*Tenor
- Rates include various categories like fixed rate, and floating rate and are based on factors such as loan amount.
- Home loan interest rates are subject to change. For current rates, please visit the official website of the lender.
Disclosure of Penalties imposed by NHB and other regulators:
Penalty of ₹ 5,000 has been levied on the company by NHB on account of Contraventions of the provisions of Housing Finance Companies-Approval of Acquisition or Transfer of Control (NHB) Directions, 2016
Public Disclosure On Liquidity Risk
Disclosure on Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)