Grievance Redressal
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Grievance Redressal
The National Housing Bank (NHB) has framed the Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) to serve as a part of best corporate practices and to provide transparency in business practices. Pursuant to the Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial Company – Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2021 issued by Reserve Bank of India vide RBI Circular RBI/2020-21/73 DOR.FIN.HFC.CC.No.120/03.10.136/2020-21 dated February 17, 2021,the Company has amended the Fair Practices Code of Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited. The said guidelines require every HFC to have a system and a procedure for receiving, registering and disposing of complaints and grievances in each of its offices.
This policy document, therefore, deals with how the ‘Customer Grievances’ received by the Company will be dealt with, by whom, within what time-frame. A record of all Customer Grievances will be maintained by the Company in such form as is feasible and all grievances will be reported to the Management in an appropriate forum and format along with details of steps taken for redressal thereof.
Our Policy On Grievance Redressal Follows The Under Noted Principles.
- Customers to be treated fairly at all times.
- Complaints raised by customers are dealt with courtesy and without undue delay.
- Customers are fully informed of avenues to escalate their complaints/grievances within the organization and their rights to alternative remedy, if they are not fully satisfied with the response of the company to their complaints.
- All complaints to be dealt with efficiently and fairly as otherwise they can damage our reputation and business.
- Our employees would work in good faith and without prejudice to the interests of the customer.
Modes Of Receiving Grievances:
Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited will make available Complaint Register at each branch and attend to/ address those at the respective Branch/es itself. The Branch Operations Managers will be responsible to gather any such Grievance/s received and as found necessary seek assistance from appropriate officials to resolve all such Grievances raised, satisfactorily and within time-lines indicated in this policy.
In the case of Administrative office complaint may be maintained in soft copy.
The borrower can complain to customer care on or via the toll free number mentioned in the website.
Redressal Process:
Customers are advised to contact us on our email ID ( or Toll Free Number (1800 266 6444) for their queries, requests and complaints. The customer can contact the Branch Operations Manager during Customer Service Hours (10.00 am to 4.00 pm). Branch Operations Manager will be the pivotal figure at the branch, responsible for resolving all customer related queries and may for that purpose seek help and support from concerned personnel and seek resolution thereof.
The Branch Operations Manager/ Customer Service Manager will be the point of contact with customers and shall communicate with the complainant/s as required.
Grievance Redressal Machinery of the Company will also deal with the issue relating to services provided by the outsourced agency.
If any resolution of complaint needs additional time, we will inform the customer/regulator for the reasons of delay in resolution and provide expected timelines for resolution of the issue.
Nodal Officer:
Head - Central Operations & Customer Service, is the Nodal Officer for all matters related to customer grievances and will liaise with the Regulator. All Grievances shall be brought to his/her notice by the officials concerned.
The contact of the Grievance Redressal/ Nodal Officer is as follows:
Email id:
Grievance Redressal Procedure
At Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited, it is our endeavor to provide the best in customer service. All our products, services and policies are built around the core value of customer centricity. There can be instances where customers are not satisfied with the services provided. To highlight such instances and register a complaint please follow the following process:
Level 01
The customer may raise his / her complaint through Toll free number mentioned on our company website or Email to or write to the Branch Operational Manager. The complaint will be addressed as soon as it is received.
Level 02
If the customer is not satisfied with the resolution provided, or his/her query is not solved within 15 days, the customer may escalate by writing to us at:
Level 03
If the customer is not satisfied with the resolution provided at Level 2 or his/her queries is not solved within 15 days, the customer may escalate to :
The Nodal Officer - Ms. Hetal Parihar
Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited, 6 th Floor, Amiti Building, Agastya Corporate Park, Kamani Junction, Opp. Fire Station, LBS Marg, Kurla (W) Mumbai MH 400070.
Contact Number: 022-71740555
Level 04
In case of non-addressal of the complaint to the customer’s satisfaction, within a reasonable time frame from the above quarters, the customer may approach the Complaint Redressal Cell of National Housing Bank by lodging its complaint in online mode at the link or
may write to :
National Housing Bank
Complaint Redressal Cell. Department of Regulation & Supervision. National Housing Bank. 4th Floor, Core 5A, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road. New Delhi - 110 003.
The Board of Piramal Finance will periodically review the policy and functioning of the grievances redressal mechanism.
The Company will abide by all guidelines, directives, instructions and advices of National Housing Bank as will be in force from time to time. The contents in this document shall be read in conjunction with these guidelines, directives, instructions and advices.