Personal Loan

Best Personal Loan Interest Rate in Ganpati Festival at Piramal Finance


Ganesh Utsav is among the most popular Indian holidays. It means a fresh start. Many families use this moment of the year to set new goals and work toward them. Indians all over the country often start planning big events during this time. The events include starting a new business, going abroad, or paying for a wedding. 

The easiest approach to cover these costs is with a simple personal loan at a fair personal loan interest rate. Even if you require money right away or shortly, it still works.

Personal loans make it easy to get money. They are easy to get. They have flexible payment plans. They can be done online. You can make your plans even more affordable by getting personal loans with low-interest rates.

Read on to find out why it’s a good idea to get a personal loan right away this Ganesh Chaturthi.

Best Personal Loan Interest Rate And Other Features: In this Ganpati festival

  • Get Cash Without Risking Assets

A personal loan does not require you to use any assets as collateral. During this Ganpati festival, lenders are willing to lend much money without collateral. This simplifies your life. It also allows you to take care of everything without stress. 

Remember that lenders will look at your income, employment,  and CIBIL score before giving you a loan. Make sure you fulfil the requirements to get a personal loan with a low-interest rate.

  • Obtain a Valuable Sanction For Any Expense

Costs for things like college for your child, medical care, or a wedding can be very high. Because of this, reputable lenders in India give out loans of approx Rs.20-25 lakh. This amount is usually enough to cover any big-ticket costs you might have. 

Apart from that, lenders today approve instant personal loan applications in minutes. They provide the loan amount within 24 hours of approval. This makes it easy to pay for unexpected costs.

  • Low Personal Loan Interest Rates

Getting a personal loan during this Ganpati festival is a clever way to save money. You can save money on interest. This is because most lenders offer special deals on personal loans during this festival. 

So, you can choose loans with incredibly low-cost personal loan interest. It will ensure your total interest payment is not more than you can afford. The money you save can then be used to meet other short-term goals.

  • Select EMIs With An Affordable Adjustable Tenor 

When salaried employees take out a personal loan, they get several advantages. Financial institutions usually give them a convenient amount of time to pay it back. You can choose a term length between 12 and 60 months. 

This gives you a lot of time to figure out how much you can pay each month. With an EMI calculator for a personal loan, you can figure out your EMIs.  You can do that ahead of time and better manage your money.

  • Easy Online Borrowing With a Pre-Approved Deal

You need not stand in line at a lender’s branch or complete a lot of paperwork. You can get a personal loan online from the comfort of your own home. You can get a personal loan immediately by filling out a form online. Then send it along with a few important documents.

Ask your lender for a pre-approved offer. You might get the best personal loan interest rate. They also have a lot of good things about them. These include making it easier to apply and faster to get approved. Some lenders will also let you reduce your monthly payments. You can pay back the part of your total loan that you have already used. Verify these to manage your cash flow in a better way.

Things To Do Before Investing: In this Ganpati festival

  • Invoke God Before Investing

Ganesh Chaturthi is the perfect moment to start investing for your financial future if you haven’t already. With the Lord’s blessing, you can use your smartness to invest well and make money. This is because He will take care of any problems. 

This is the optimum moment to start. The key is to invest regularly and with a clear mind.

  • Learn about investing

You should study all investment opportunities. Gather as much knowledge as possible. Use your intelligence to build an investment strategy. It should make you economically secure in the short and long terms. You can look on the Internet, take a short course, or follow one of the many websites about investing.

  • Borrow carefully

You may manage your finances wisely, yet financial problems are inevitable. Banks and NBFCs provide short-term aid in such cases. Your child might need an unplanned study tour. During the Ganpati festival, Piramal Finance gives out personal loans so that you don’t have to use your savings or long-term assets.

  • Financial responsibility

If you have goals and a plan to reach them, you must be disciplined to follow the plan. 

If you need a personal loan, consider how much to borrow. What EMI you can afford, EMI calculators for personal loans, who is offering the best terms, when to apply, etc. are some other vital points. If you’re disciplined, obtaining a loan is no big deal since you’ll repay it easily. Indian festivals may teach you many things. 

How you celebrate the festivals, how important they are to you and how methodically you get ready for Ganesh Chaturthi are all incredibly foresightful. They will help you get to the point where you can live on your own money. 


Keep your finances in good shape for this Ganpati festival. Use an instant personal loan to pay for big purchases. When done right, there’s a simple way to protect your savings. You will also reach your financial goals simultaneously. Find the best personal loan interest rate from Piramal Finance to choose the best way to borrow money.

Confirm your pre-approved offer to get going. You can also use a personal loan app. This app enables you to pursue a loan. It also helps you to check all the information about your loan, make payments, and more. Visit their website to learn more about the products and services they offer.
