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Area converter – area conversion using online

Personal Finance

Living in such a diverse nation as India, one could have trouble adjusting to conversation metrics that vary by region. Using hand computations can be challenging because they do not guarantee accurate results.

The professional area conversion calculator tool assists you in reaching correct conclusions regarding the worth of any property or piece of land. These calculations are particularly useful for those considering applying for a loan against the property because they enable them to determine the worth of their landed property. Read on to know how the Area Conversion Calculator works and the different measurement units used in India.

Understanding Area Conversion Calculator.

An Area Conversion Calculator is a useful tool that assists you in calculating land areas by converting them to other metrics quickly and easily. The area conversion calculator is used to convert various units of area measurements. The common units of land measurement are

  • Hectare
  • Acre
  • Square Meter
  • Square Yard
  • Square Foot
  • Bigha
  • Biswa
  • Katha
  • Ground
  • Square Inch
  • Square Kilometer
  • Square Mile

Benefits of Using Area Conversion Calculator.

Here are the benefits of using an online Area Conversion Calculator

  • The Area Conversion Calculator tool guarantees quick, error-free calculations.
  • The Area Conversion Calculator makes it possible to convert the land area into some unknown land units.
  • Making selections about real estate while fully informed of the land’s actual value is possible using the area conversion calculator.

Most Common Land Measurement Units in India

India has a wide variety of land measurement units which differ depending on the location. Use the area conversion calculator to convert the particular unit to the desired units. The most well-known land metrics in India are listed here in brief:

  • Hectare

Hectare or ha measures an area of square land with each side of 100 meters. It is used as a Standard International (SI) unit even after being a non-SI unit. Hectare is a unit that measures large land areas like forests, agricultural lands, etc.

  • Acre

Acre is a land metric popularised mainly in the UK and US. However, Acre is used in India to measure the large plot areas like farmland or estates.  

  • Bigha

In the Indian states of Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Gujarat, and parts of Rajasthan, a bigha is a traditional unit of land measurement. However, there is no standard size for this unit of measurement. Bigha has two subunits- Biswa and Katha. Its measurement varies according to state. 

For instance, in West Bengal, one bigha equals 1,600 square yards. However, in Uttarakhand, it is 756.222 square yards.

  • Square Feet

A square foot is a standard land measurement unit used worldwide. This standard measurement unit is included in both imperial and US customary units. A square foot is the size of a square, with each side being only 1 foot.

  • Square Meter

Square Meter or m2 or sq m is a Standard International(SI) unit. The most commonly used land metric measures an area of square land of side 1 meter each.  

  • Square Yards

Square Yards, also known as sq yd or yd2, measures the area of square land of side 1 yard (3 foot). This unit of measurement is replaced by a square meter. However, it is still used in India as Gaj.

  • Ground

The ground is a land measurement unit primarily used in Tamil Nadu, India’s southernmost state. One ground is equal to 24,000 square feet (203 square meters).

  • Square Inch

Square Inch or sq. in is a unit of measurement of the area of square land with a side of 1 inch each. 

  • Square Mile

A square mile, also known as sq mi or mi2, is a unit that measures the area of square land with a side of 1 mile each.

Common Area Conversion Units Used in India.

Unit of AreaUnit SymbolsConversion Unit
1 Square Metersq. m to sq. ft10.76391042 Square Feet
1 Square Inchsq. into sq. ft0.0069444 Square Feet
1 Square FeetSq. ft to sq. m0.092903 Square Meter
1 Square KilometerSq. km to ac247.10 Acres
1 Square YardSq. yd to sq. m0.836127 Square Metre
1 AcreAc to gaj4886.92 Gaj
1 BighaBigha to sq. yd2990 Square Yard
1 HectareHa to ac2.49 Acres
1 Square MileSq. mi to ac640 Acres

4 Steps-to-follow for Area Conversion.

When working with measuring units from all across the country, the Area Conversion Calculator dramatically simplifies the process. Geographically speaking, there are various ways to measure land, including the acre, hectare, square, etc.

Using an online area conversion calculator, you only need to follow these 4-steps to finish your calculations of area conversion:

  1. Select the conversion unit you want to use.
  2. Select the units of selected measurements.
  3. Select the measurement you want to convert from.
  4. The calculator will instantly and accurately display the conversion.

The bottom line

There are numerous units of land measurement. Indian land area measuring is based on several state-specific land measurement systems. Typically, agricultural property is measured in acres, whereas residential plots are measured in square feet. You can use the Area Conversion Calculator to convert one measurement unit into another without dealing with the inconvenience of manual conversions. To read more such blogs, head to the Piramal Finance website and learn about the varied loan options.
