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Different Types Of Travel Insurance Plans In India


Travelling is a very important aspect of life. Be it for leisure or work, commuting is a must in our daily lives. Going from one place to another can be costly and comes with a lot of dangers. To protect your loved ones and your belongings, taking travel insurance plans is a must. 

What is travel insurance?

Travel insurance is a form of insurance that you can take before your travel. It is designed to cover the costs and losses which you may occur while travelling. Travel insurance plans cover flight cancellations, accidents, or delays among several other factors. 

The above highlights the importance of having a travel insurance plan. Choosing the best travel insurance suited to your needs is also equally important. This article will break down the travel insurance plans that are present in India.

Travel Insurance plans in India

  1. Domestic Travel Insurance

These types of travel insurance plans typically cover the following:

  • loss of luggage
  • loss of travel tickets
  • flight delay/cancellation
  • theft of valuables
  • Illness
  • Permanent disability
  • Death
  • Legal aid
  • third-party damages incurred while travelling

To be eligible, the travel must be within the legal border of India. You should also be between 18-65 years of age to meet the eligibility criteria.

  1. Overseas Travel Insurance

Overseas Travel insurance forms part of the travel insurance plans available in India. You should opt for this when travelling outside of India. It ensures you are prepared for any problems that come with visiting a new country. Insurance involves:

  • Medical cover
  • Life cover
  • Cover for stolen or lost baggage
  • Hijack risk cover
  • Loss of travel documents
  • Cashless hospitalisation
  1. Senior Citizen Travel Insurance

Senior Citizens tend to need extra care when it comes to travel. Senior Citizen Travel Insurance plans make it easier for them to be fulfilled. They usually cover:

  • Cashless hospitalisation
  • Medical expenditure for existing illnesses
  • Dental treatment
  • Baggage loss
  • Flight delay or cancellation
  1. Single or Multi-trip Insurance

Another type of travel insurance you could choose from is single or multi-trip insurance. Both these travel insurance plans cover the stated below mishaps:

  • Medical and non-medical emergencies
  • Theft
  • Delay or cancellation in flight

The single-trip option is suitable for you if you only travel occasionally. However, the multi-trip option is more geared toward businessmen and frequent flyers. Opting for this travel insurance plan saves the hassle of applying for travel insurance plans every time. This is provided in exchange for a small premium. 

  1. Corporate Travel Insurance

This type of travel insurance is typically targeted toward businessmen. It covers the following:

  • Baggage loss
  • Dental Expenses
  • Legal expenses
  • Medical Expenses
  • Personal accident
  1. Medical Travel Insurance

These travel insurance plans are specific to only covering health-related issues. If you opt for this type of insurance, you will only be covered for the following:

  • Cashless hospitalisation
  • Dental treatments
  • Minor exertion
  • Flu and other illnesses
  1. Luggage Insurance

This insurance is a very specific one. It only covers mishaps that are related to your baggage. So, they only offer insurance on these:

  • Loss of Baggage
  • Luggage theft
  • Damage to belongings in a suitcase due to fire or water
  • Damage to luggage during strikes or riots

This insurance allows you to solely take insurance on your baggage. Or you could take this to get ensure complete compensation if something happens to your baggage. 

  1. Family Travel Insurance

Holiday trips with the family are of frequent occurrence nowadays. Hence, you need to choose travel insurance plans which get your whole family insured under one insurance. This would reduce your finances while also saving you time. You don’t have to get a loan for each individual in your family.  This type of insurance covers the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Baggage loss
  • Delay or cancellation of flights
  • Death or permanent disability of one of your family members
    1. Pregnancy Travel Insurance

If you are planning to travel while pregnant, it may be a good idea to consider pregnancy travel insurance. They provide extra coverage and care when it comes to maternity-related issues. They cover the following:

  • Unforeseen pregnancy complications
  • Medical expenses
  • Cashless hospitalisation

Choosing the best Travel Insurance

The best travel insurance will be different for everyone. But, there are a few guidelines you can use to help decide which one is better suited for you. 

  1. Affordability

When it comes to picking a travel plan, the price of the insurance has its significance. Smaller premiums are convenient as you pay for them without much financial stress. 

  1. Destination

Another aspect to consider before picking travel insurance plans is the country/place you will be visiting. You need to gauge the medical costs, facilities, and laws of the latter. This makes it easier for you to decide.

  1. Purpose 

The purpose of your travel is also very important. For example, if you are going for leisure activities, a basic plan will be enough. For business, a multi-trip could be an option for you or a corporate travel plan. 

  1. Age of traveler

The age of the traveler also plays a massive role when deciding which plan to opt for. Elderly people can choose the Senior Citizen Travel Insurance. It provides cover for their existing illness if any. The price of coverage also varies depending on age. For example, if you are aged 20, the premium paid will be different compared to someone who is 40. 

There are several other aspects to consider before choosing the perfect travel insurance plan for you. You could also curate travel insurance to exactly meet your needs. 


As seen above, there are a plethora of travel insurance plans made available for you to choose from. Choosing the right one could need much research and time. Therefore, financial advisors such as Piramal Finances are highly sought after. They provide help and advice when it comes to managing your finances. 
